Always check that the blinds, Awnings or Shutters you intend to purchase are manufactured by a WSAA member.
Inspect samples of the product.
Get a quote and listen carefully to the advice. Ask about the consultants experience.
Discuss your requirements with your supplier. Think about insulation, privacy and design.
Check the length of product warranty. Consider if the company will be able to support the warranty.
Check the company’s website and any consumer comments.
Get two quotes and that installation is included.
Check the brand of the product being offered.
Check the delivery time.
Be aware of your consumer rights. WSAA members will always support legitimate consumer rights.
Check that your quote includes GST.
Never deal with unregistered businesses.
Never accept unrealistic prices or large discounts. They are usually false.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Never accept an unwritten quote.
Be wary of aggressive sales techniques. They inevitably hide a nasty surprise.
Be careful about paying large deposits without proper written documentation.
Check your payment obligations. Never pay 100% in advance. Pay a realistic deposit.